Gaza City, Sept 28: Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, linked to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah group, vowed today to continue the armed struggle against Israel and criticised the formation of a new Palestinian government. "Resistance is the only language that the enemy understands and the only means to free Palestine from occupation," the group responsible for numerous anti-Israeli attacks and suicide bombings said in a statement released here.
“The Palestinian people turn their back on plots, including, on the order of Zionists and Americans, the formation of a new government seeking to end the intifada and pursue its militants," the statement said.
The brigades, a radical and violent offshoot of Fatah, is the main secular militant group waging an uprising against Israel. Formed with the start of the intifada, it takes its name from the al-Aqsa mosque compound in annexed east Jerusalem, Islam's third holiest site, where the uprising broke out on September 29, 2000 with bloody clashes.
Israel has arrested and put on trial the Fatah leader for the West Bank, Marwan Barghuti, for having orchestrated the brigades' operations. Bureau Report