Los Angeles, Nov 06: Dodging critical fire faster than Neo evades bullets, ‘The Matrix Revolutions’ debuted to sold-out theaters on Wednesday in a global opening that had fans lining up for blocks to be first to see the film.
"We`ve had tremendous crowds, and early (box office) numbers are very strong," said Dick Westerling, spokesman for the No. 1 U.S. theater chain Regal Entertainment Group. . Dan Fellman, film distribution chief for Warner Bros. studio, the unit of Time Warner Inc. that makes and markets the ‘Matrix’ movies, said a first-day box office estimate would not be ready until Thursday. Fellman added, however, that his phone had been ringing off the hook since the curtain rose on ‘Revolutions’ at 9 a.m. EST with tales of sold-out crowds. He said several theaters reported selling $40,000 worth of tickets before noon. "That is a staggering number for a Saturday before noon, let alone a Wednesday," Fellman said. A spokesman for No. 2 U.S. theater chain AMC Entertainment Inc. reported similarly crowded theaters in the morning and said many of Wednesday night`s screenings were sold out in advance. UNFLATTERING REVIEWS : The first ‘Matrix’ in 1999 hauled in $456 million in global ticket sales and this past May`s ‘The Matrix Reloaded’ eclipsed that figure with $735 million at worldwide box offices. Demand may be strong and the fan base large, but major reviews lacked any sort of luster. The Los Angeles Times said ‘Revolutions’ landed in theaters ‘with a thud’ and asks "how did something so cool, get so dorky?" The New York Times said ‘Reloaded` was certainly a lumpy, gaseous treatise of a movie, but viewers of `Revolutions` may find themselves looking back on it fondly.
Bureau Report