Beijing, Apr 22: Ahead of the first-ever tripartite talks on North Korea's nuclear weapons programme, host China today appeared cautiously optimistic on the outcome of the parleys and called on both Washington and Pyongyang to use the opportunity to "understand each other." "The tripartite talks is aimed to enable the three parties understand each other's stand more clearly and ease the current tension in the Korean peninsula," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao told reporters here while confirming for the first time holding of the three-way dialogue among the US, North Korea and china on the sensitive issue.
According to diplomatic sources here, the talks are to held here from tomorrow and the US side will be led by assistant secretary of State James Kelly who arrived here today.
Liu said the Chinese government decided to invite delegations from the two sides to ease tensions in the Korean peninsula. The Chinese side to the talks would be led by director general of the Asian department, Fu Ying, he added.
The content and form of the dialogue are yet to be decided by the parties, he said, but confirmed that talks would be held behind closed doors.
"No press would be allowed to cover the talks," he said.
Stressing that the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsula must be resolved peacefully through dialogue, Liu said the Chinese side has been making active and constructive efforts to this end.
Bureau Report