Chennai, July 12: Kanchi Sankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati today admitted that his second letter to All India Personal Law Board might have caused some "doubts and misunderstanding". But he said that he would continue informal efforts to resolve the Ayodhya problem.
The Seer told reporters here that he was in touch with the board's mediators and was hopeful of an "early" solution to the Ayodhya problem.

The Seer said the timing of his second letter of July 01, might have caused some doubts as it came after his meeting with VHP leaders. He however clarified that the letter was ready by June 28 itself and there was some delay in typing it out.

He said the board had "some doubts regarding his mentioning of Kashi and Mathura" in his second letter. The Seer said he had only cautioned and had not issued any "veiled threat" to the Muslim community on Kashi and Mathura.

Revealing that he had received the letter of rejection from AIMPLB, he said that he would continue to work towards a peaceful solution to the problem through informal negotiations but not through letters anymore.

Maintaining that the courts could never settle the problem, he asserted that the board's rejection of his proposals was "not a failure". He felt that the problem could be resolved if the two parties reach an agreement first and then get a seal of approval from the court.
Jayendra Saraswati said there was no pressure from any quarters on his proposals and there was no question of succumbing to any pressure. "I will maintain my independent identity," he added.

Bureau Report