Washington, June 11: Two more Iraqi suspects on the "Iraqi top 55" list have been placed in custody by coalition forces in Iraq, the United States Central Command announced on its website. One of the detainees, described as number 18 on the list, was Latif Nusayyif al-Jasim al-Dulaymi, "the former member of the Revolutionary Command Council, a central Ba'ath Party member and deputy secretary of the Ba'ath military bureau," the Tampa, Florida-based military command said in its statement.
The other detainee, number 53 on the list, was identified as Brigadier General Husayn al-Awadi, "the former Ba'ath Party regional chair, Ninawa and a brigadier general in the Chemical Corps."
The brief Central Command statement, issued yesterday, did not say when or where in Iraq the two suspects were placed in custody. Bureau Report