Lucknow, Sept 03: Hardening his stand, Rashtriya Kranti Party chief Kalyan Singh today said the warrant issued by the Liberhan Commission against him was "illegal" and "nobody in the world" can force him to appear before it.
"Under the commission of inquiry act, no commission has the jurisdiction to issue warrants. Therefore, the warrant issued by the Liberhan Commission is illegal," Singh told reporters here.
He clarified that the commission had issued only a warrant and not non-bailable warrant as reported earlier.
"We will challenge the commission's order in the court," he said adding "no commission can threaten Kalyan Singh by issuing warrants".
"If the commission wants me to depose before it, it should rather take me there in chains," he said.
Singh said he would appear before the commission only if Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Deputy Prime Minister L.K. Advani were also asked to depose before the commission.
Singh's counsel in Liberhan Commission Brij Bahadur Saxena, who was present during the press conference, said the commission's order seems to be "politically motivated".
He said as recording evidence was closed in the commission there was no need for fresh witnesses. But Kalyan Singh was asked to appear after the All India Muslim Personal Law Board and Aslam Bhure filed an application asking the commission to call Singh as witness.
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