Kolkata, Jan 17: A section of RSP, a prominent constituent of the left front in West Bengal, is of the view that the party should quit the government but not the coalition, a party leader said today. Refusing to confirm or deny media reports that the RSP was mulling on quitting the front after the may Panchayat elections in the state, party Rajya Sabha member from West Bengal Manoj Bhattacherjee told a news agency here "we have differences with CPI(M) on many issues, but we will not do anything that will jeopardise the Left Front." "May be, a section of my party colleagues are of the view that we should pull out of the government while remaining in the front," Bhattacharjee said.
According to RSP sources, a section of the party state committee members felt that the LF government was falling prey to the pressures of globalisation and was adopting policies which were hardly different from the Centre. Bureau Report