Brussels, Feb 10: EU (European Union) finance ministers may decide as soon as Tuesday who will take up the next vacancy on the European Central Bank’s (ECB) board but the decision could be delayed until March, an Irish presidency source said on Monday. A vote will be held in March if the block needs more time to reach an agreement, given that three countries are interested in putting up candidates to replace retiring Spaniard Eugenio Domingo Solans on the ECB’s six-member strong executive board. “We are open to the question of an agreement being reached tomorrow or on March 09,” said a source from Ireland , which currently holds the revolving European Union presidency. “If there is more than one candidate... it is quite likely there will be time for reflection,” the source added. Belgium , Ireland and Spain have all expressed interest in the post, although only Ireland has publicly put forward a candidate to secure Domingo Solans’s job after he completes his term at the end of May. Belgium is seen as front-runner in the race, as its efforts to get its candidate appointed have been thwarted on two earlier occasions, and it has not yet had a seat on the ECB board. Ireland, Portugal and Luxembourg have also not yet been represented. A source familiar with the issue said Belgium is likely to propose Peter Praet, a director of its central bank, to join the board, which runs the ECB’s daily operations. But the country has said it would consult its euro zone peers before deciding whether it would put forward a name for the third time. Ireland has already nominated Michael Tutty, currently vice-president of the European Investment Bank, as its candidate, saying he more than fulfilled the criteria. A source said on Friday that Spain has its own candidate for the powerful position on the board, which together with the 12 national central bank heads sets euro zone interest rates in the ECB’s Governing Council. Bureau Report