Kolkata, Nov 05: Giving a further boost to the steel scenario in West Bengal, Shijan Shell group and Ramrup group are setting up two greenfield stainless steel plants at Durgapur, state Industry Minister Nirupam Sen said today. "This will be the first stainless steel plant in the state which will give further boost to the image of the state as a favourite destination for iron and steel industry," Sen told reporters after inaugurating a seminar on 'the role of the metal industry in the resurgence of the east' organised by Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
He said while the Shijan Sheel group's plant would start production from December-January, Ramrup group has just started work for their plant.
"This augurs well for the state as till now it was exporting raw materials for production of steel," he said, adding, "if we can make finished steel then a lot of downstream projects would come up."
Sen said the state was providing adequate infrastructure facilities for setting up steel plants and already 20-25 proposals had been received for setting up big integrated steel plants in the state.
"All the proposals had been received from Indian companies, but they have still not been finalised," he said.
Sen said already over Rs 9000 crore worth of 77 projects in iron and steel were at various stages of implementation in the state and they will be on stream during next few years.
The minister informed that the state was trying to set up a foundry park and talks were on with foundry association which will develop the park.
Bureau Report