Manila, June 11: President Gloria Arroyo today denounced as "pure harassment" a bid by her deposed predecessor Joseph Estrada to put her on the witness stand as part of his legal strategy to win acquittal from a corruption case that could carry a death sentence. The special court trying Estrada for plunder has set a hearing Monday on his formal motion to call Arroyo, Defense Secretary Angelo Reyes and a number of Supreme Court justices to the witness stand.
"This is pure harassment and a dilatory tactic that detracts from the public interest and the national welfare," Arroyo said in a statement.
Estrada's unorthodox legal strategy to be acquitted on charges he plundered a personal fortune of 80 million dollars is based on an assertion that he was illegally toppled by a January 2001 military coup abetted by the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court has already ruled that the presidential succession, triggered by a military-backed popular revolt that cut short his 30-month rule, was legal.
Estrada, detained at a military hospital here since May 2001, insists he cannot be sued because he remains the legal president. The plunder charge is theoretically punishable by death.
"The president is busy attending to the strategic programs that would bring jobs, security, and peace to the people," the Arroyo statement said.
Bureau Report