New Delhi, Dec 04: In a landslide mandate, Congress, under the leadership of incumbent Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit, has secured an absolute majority in Delhi Assembly elections. It has reigned on 47 seats in the 70-member House. Bharatiya Janata Party comes a tottering second with merely 20 seats in its kitty. Following the results, Sheila would don the chief ministerial garb for the second time consecutively. In the history of Delhi Assembly, it is for the first time that incumbent party will form government for the second time running.
In the final tally, Congress has won two-third majority with 47 seats with a loss of 5 seats since last assembly elections(In 1998, Congress bagged 52 seats). The vote share for Congress stands at 42% with a swing of negative 5.75%.
The loser BJP stands at 20 seats with a gain of 5 seats since last time(In 1998, BJP bagged 15 seats). The vote share for BJP stands at 30% with a swing of negative 4%. Although BJP seems to have improved in number of seats, the vote share has diminished. On the remaining 3 seats, one each has been bagged by JD(S), NCP and Independent candidate.
Going by the verdict of the public in Delhi, it is very clear that the winning factors have been Sheila’s charisma and the developmental work done by her government. She has won from her Gole Market stronghold, battering her nearest rival Poonam Azad by a margin of 13000 votes.
Metro, fly-overs, switch over to CNG, cleaning of Yamuna and numerous other factors have backed her. She has always been seen as a sophisticated yet accessible people’s leader. Seen with brooms and mops in her hand, she struck a cord with the down-trodden of Delhi. And her class, culture and refinement endeared her to the elite of the Capital.
Dissecting BJP’s debacle, one biting fact that stands naked is that Madan Lal Khurana has sounded the death knell for his party. Had BJP projected some other leader as chief ministerial candidate(Sushma Swaraj may be), the party could have fared better. This is not to undermine Sheila’s popularity. Still, BJP could have had some saving grace. His garrulity and volubility wrote him off. His rath yatras could not overpower the effect of Sheila’s good work.
Bureau Report