New Delhi, Sept 18: The telecom regulator said on Wednesday its proposals on providing a level playing field to the $5-billion cellular sector would be submitted to the government at the end of September. The guidelines are aimed at compensating the cellular industry after a telecom court backed a government decision to allow fixed-line phone firms to offer cheaper limited mobility services in competition with cellular companies.
"We will try to give our recommendations by the end of this month," Pradip Baijal, chairman of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai), told reporters on the sidelines of an industry seminar.
A ministerial panel will study the proposals which are expected to smoothen decision-making on disputed issues in India's booming telecom sector, one of the fastest growing markets globally.
Baijal said the proposals would cover additional licence fee to be paid by basic phone firms for offering wireless in local loop mobility services and further charges to be paid by these companies for spectrum use.
Bureau Report