Jenin (West Bank), Aug 12: The hardline Palestinian group Hamas claimed responsibility today for the suicide bombing that killed one Israeli and wounded two outside the West Bank Jewish settlement of Ariel. In a statement faxed to a news agency, the group's armed wing said the attack was in response to the killing of four Palestinians, including two of its militants, in an Israeli raid on Friday.

"The Ezzedin al-Qassam brigades are announcing to our people their suicide operation in Ariel, where our hero 21-year-old Islam Yusef Ekfeshi blew himself up against the Zionists," the statement said. "Today's operation is a response to the Zionist violations to the suspension of operations and a revenge for the assassination for our members in Nablus," it added.

Hamas and its smaller rival militant group, Islamic jihad were among Palestinian radical organisations to claim a three-month truce on June 29, conditional on the release of Palestinian prisoners and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from reoccupied Palestinian areas.

"The Ezzedin al-Qassam brigades is committed to the decision of our leadership to suspend military operations but we confirm to all our groups and fighters they should be ready to quickly react to any violation of the ceasefire," the statement added. The attack, less than an hour after separate suicide bombing in northern Israel, came four days after an Israeli raid on Nablus left four Palestinians, including two Hamas members, dead. An Israeli soldier was also killed.

Hamas political leaders said after the Nablus operation they would still stick to the truce but their armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam brigades, vowed reprisals.

Bureau Report