Gangtok, Oct 12: Sikkim government is mulling over fixing a 'cut-off year' to check influx in the state, Chief Minister Pawan Chamling has said.

"A cut-off year has to be decided to check influx from outside. The government however will not do it alone but in consultation with the panchayats, civil society and bureaucracy," Chamling said here yesterday asking people to start thinking in this direction. The chief minister, who was addressing a gathering of senior officials and his cabinet colleagues on the occasion of third anniversary of his second government formation day here, said once a cut-off year was fixed some more facilities would be given to those who came before that and not to those who came later. He said he would raise this issue in the ensuing first conference of the newly-elected panchayat members.

Chamling said the move would surely invite 'reaction' from certain quarters but the government knowing full well cannot sit idle.

Calling for eradicating criminalisation in politics, Chamling said we cannot and should not 'protect' the mischief-mongers to 'tarnish' the image of the state. We need the help of bureaucracy, government employees and the media to stamp out this, he said adding ''gone are those days of 'might is right', now we have to rule on the basis of brain power''. The Chief Minister, who led his Sikkim Democratic Front to return to power in the October 1999 assembly polls with a two-third majority, asked the bureaucracy to implement the government policies in letter and spirit.

Bureau Report