Washington, June 15: Secretary of State Colin Powell has pledged that the United States "will not waver" in its determination to push for peace in the Middle East. Despite fresh violence threatening the peace initiative President George W. Bush pushed on a trip to the region earlier this month, Powell called on both Israel and the Palestinians to stand firm with the United States in following the so-called roadmap to peace.
"The United States will not get weary, we will not waver, we will not stop, we will not step aside," he told a group of Arab-Americans yesterday.
"The parties must turn these courageous commitments into peace on the ground. This is no time for parsing promises. The two sides must now perform," he said.
"We must not let this new momentum toward peace lag," said Powell, acknowledging that "there will be bumps along the road."
Suicide bombings, missile attacks and shootings have killed more than 60 people since the June 4 gathering with Bush and the Israeli and Palestinian prime ministers in Jordan, where they agreed to pursue the internationally sanctioned roadmap.
Despite that, Powell said, there is no viable alternative other than peace.
"If we don't move forward, if we don't take this opportunity, if we don't punch through this current wave of violence, then where are we?" he asked. "We're nowhere with two people killing one another day after day after day." Bureau Report