New Delhi, Sept 26: CBI today accused the Hinduja brothers and A B Bofors of deliberately suppressing the names of the recipients of alleged pay-offs in the Rs 1437 crore deal awarded to the Swedish arms manufacturer for the supply of 400 howitzer guns to the Indian Army in March 1986. Concluding his arguments on the appeals filed by Hinduja brothers and Bofors against framing of charges against them in the case, Additional Solicitor General (ASG) Mukul Rohatagi submitted that the supression of names by Hindujas and Bofors led to unnecessary delay in the case. "Had they (Bofors) disclosed the names of the recipients of commission in 1987, it would have been a different case altogether," the ASG told Justice J D Kapoor.
About the Hindujas, the ASG alleged that they not only denied having received any money from Bofors but also resisted for almost 10 years transmission of documents by the Swiss authorities. It was only when CBI got papers from Switzerland that they admitted receipt of money from Bofors, he added.

Rohatagi also accused the Hindujas of changing their nationality after the probe into the case showed progress.

Accusing Bofors of making a false representation to the government, Rohatagi pointed out that they had said in 1984 that only W N Chadha was their agent in India while the fact was that Hindujas were also working for them.

Hindujas' counsel Kapil Sibal objected to Rohatagi's allegation saying the Hindujas were NRIs at that time and they could not have worked as Bofors' agent in India. Bureau Report