If you are a single woman and have been contemplating getting into a relationship, then this write-up may help you evaluate the man you have in mind.


Not many women like to take the first step in breaking the ice with the man they are interested in. They expect men to approach them. If you have someone in mind and have been wondering if he is interested in you, then you may observe him for a few days before arriving at a conclusion.

Here are five easy steps to follow to know if a man is inclined towards you:

1)    See how often he takes the initiative to connect with you: If he is proactive and takes initiatives to connect with you through phone calls, text messages, whatsapp or social media platforms, then that’s a positive sign.

2)    See if he is attentive while you speak: If he is attentive, listens to your words carefully, then it means he values you.

3)    He will spare time for you: No matter how busy he is, he will make time to speak with you or meet you.

4)    He will read your emotions through your expressions: If you are upset, sad, happy or thrilled about something, even if you don’t discuss the same with him, he will be able to read your mood from your facial expressions. He will be able to listen to your unsaid words.

5)    He will be gentle and chivalrous in his approach: When men are genuinely interested in women, they will never touch her with a flirtatious intension. They treat their ladylove with respect, love, admiration and care. If a man looks for opportunities to touch you, then he may not be the one!