New Delhi: Netflix Korea recently set the internet abuzz after posting a teaser video on its official YouTube channel, which appeared to confirm the release of Squid Game Season 3. The video, which hinted at the upcoming season, quickly went viral, sparking widespread excitement among fans and netizens alike. However, the excitement was short-lived as the video was swiftly taken down.


A tweet on X (formerly Twitter) claimed that Netflix Korea had accidentally uploaded the teaser, revealing the release date for the much-anticipated season, which is said to be June 27, 2025. Although the video was deleted soon after, it quickly spread across social media platforms, fueling speculation and increasing anticipation for the new season.

Adding to the intrigue is the introduction of a new character, Chul-Su, whose role in the show is still shrouded in mystery.

For now, the excitement surrounding Squid Game Season 3 continues to grow, with fans speculating about every new development while awaiting official confirmation from Netflix.