Pune, Nov 18: The chief of Army Staff General N C Vij today warned the defence forces not to be too complacent of the high speed infrastructure development of China specially in the border areas.

"Though India and China share good relation, we should not turn a blind eye to the rapid development of road and rail infrastructure in the mountain terrains in the border areas of China," he said delivering the general bc memorial lecture in Pune University on "India's security concern".
Quoting a fourth century military thinker, Vij said: "the capability of the adversary is more significant than the intention because intention can change anytime based on interests".
"Hence, the best solution is to match their pace of development in India", he added.
Accusing Pakistan of exporting terrorism to several countries, Army chief said Islamabad was employing terrorism as an instrument of foreign policy against India.
After losing three wars, Pakistan has realised proxy war was the only way to fight against India and hence it was sponsoring terrorism through mujahideens across the line of control, he said adding in the last few decade thousands of terrorists were eliminated and over 13,000 weapons siezed.
He also dubbed Pakistan as the epicentre of terrorism.
Bureau Report