Washington, June 20: Former Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein is probably alive and hiding somewhere in Iraq, judging from intercepted communications among his supporters, the 'New York Times' said today quoting US officials. Besides the lack of physical evidence that he died in two US airstrikes on Baghdad -- on March 20 and April 7 -- during the war on Iraq, the officials believe Hussein is behind the surge of armed attacks against US forces.

"These guys are growing in resistance, and they're still being troublesome, and you have to ask what's motivating them," a defence official said, adding that recent intelligence reports indicated that Hussein and his inner circle were trying to garner support inside the country.

Up to now, most us officials have publicly stated not knowing whether Hussein is dead or alive, while assuring that, either way, he would soon be captured.

Intelligence analysts believe Saddam is hiding in Iraq since he would feel safer among his supporters than in a foreign country where he would be easier to locate by US Intelligence, the daily said.

The whereabouts of Hussein's two sons Uday and Qusay also continue to baffle US Intelligence, although some agents believe the eldest, uday, may have been killed in the first US bombing that preceded the start of the US-led war to topple him.

Bureau Report