NY, Jan 31: Donald Trump, the real estate titan and star of the TV reality show The Apprentice, is coming out with a new book.
Random House will publish How to Get Rich in April, coinciding with the show`s live season finale.
And how much is he getting paid for the book?

A source close to the negotiations said Trump was receiving "a lot more than a million dollars." Trump himself said on Thursday his deal is "the equivalent of getting half a floor at 40 Wall Street." "Everybody wanted to do it, so it was easy to make a deal," said Trump, who handled his own negotiations. Author of the million-selling The Art of the Deal, Trump said his new book was "85 per cent" done and that the contract was more notable for the royalties than for the advance.


"I believe in being paid on the back end and getting a lot if it sells a lot," he said. "I believe in compensation for success, not just gauging some company up front."

In The Apprentice, which debuted earlier this month, would-be moguls vie for Trump`s favor and "the dream job of a lifetime" as his yearlong protege. Bureau Report