London, Oct 15: Describing the recent general elections in Pakistan as "an important milestone" in the country's ongoing transition to democracy, Britain has said it will closely watch the next crucial step of transfer of power to the new National Assembly and establishment of Parliament's role there. "We will continue to watch this process closely and are committed to remaining engaged with Pakistan throughout its transition," British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said on Monday night.

He said "our clear wish, shared with the Pakistani people, is that the country should build strong, effective institutions that are critical to the prospects for democracy in Pakistan.


We have been working hard with Pakistan to help strengthen the institutions which are critical to the prospects for democracy in Pakistan. Sustained strengthening of the judiciary, the rule of law and respect for human rights will be the best long-term guarantee of Pakistan's democracy."

Welcoming the holding of multi-party National and Provincial elections, Straw said "they are an important milestone in Pakistan's ongoing transition to democracy. The next crucial step is the transfer of power to the new National Assembly and establishing Parliament's role."

He also said Britain will study the report of EU which pointed out "serious flaws" in Pakistan's elections.

"We will of course be studying the report of the EU observers with care. The report underlines the need for a concerted effort by the new government, all political parties and civil society to ensure the establishment of a sustainable form of democratic, civilian rule in Pakistan." Bureau Report