New Delhi, June 05: Vice-President Bhairon Singh Shekhawat today urged the nation to make promotion and adoption of environment-friendly practices a national movement. Speaking on the occasion of world environment day today, Shekhawat said the nation must re-dedicate itself to sensitise people towards environmental concerns.
He said development and growth must go together with our culture and biodiversity.
The vice-president also presented several awards including the Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puruskar and Young Environmentalist of the Year. Pointing out some of his major concerns, he cited widespread poverty, bulging population and the ever-decreasing water availability.
"Poverty is the greatest pollutant and its removal is critical to building a sustainable society in future," Shekhawat said, adding bulging population was a reason for increasing poverty and the two needed to be checked.
On the issue of water shortage, he said, "We should hasten inter-linking of rivers," adding he was happy a task force under the chairmanship of former Power Minister Suresh Prabhu had been constituted for the purpose. Speaking on the occasion, Union Environment Minister T R Baalu said India was among the 12 nations where 60-70 per cent of the world's biodiversity exists. Bureau Report