Jerusalem, Sept 03: Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has said the US-backed "roadmap" toward peace and a Palestinian state was dead because of recent Israeli aggression. "The roadmap is dead, but only because of Israeli military aggression in recent weeks," he said.
The interview took place in Ramallah in the West Bank.
Arafat said the United States had let the plan die and that US preoccupation with Iraq and upcoming presidential elections got in the way of assuring its implementation.
The roadmap was drafted by US, UN, EU and Russian officials.
Arafat also said that the reports of split between himself and Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas have been exaggerated by Israel in order to create problems within the Palestinian leadership.
Israeli Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz earlier yesterday said that the government is considering whether to expel Arafat because the Palestinian leader is obstructing the peace process. Bureau Report