Abbarah (Iraq), Aug 21: US forces captured a suspected senior member of Saddam Hussein's Fedayeen militia who was carrying a shopping list for explosives materials, a military official said today. The man, Rashid Mohammed, was also holding a list of ten Iraqi names that US forces believe was an assassination list when soldiers stopped his car on a highway north of Baqouba, 70 kms northeast of Baghdad, with two other men in a car, Lt Col William Adamson from the 588th Engineering Batallion said. Mohammed was detained along with two men who were travelling with him, he added.
"We suspect this was a senior man organising Saddam Fedayeen activities in Baqouba. We also have reason to believe, based on documents obtained, that he was actively purchasing improvised explosive devices with remote controlled detonators," Adamson said. He did not give the names of the people on the list.
In another operation in the same area, US soldiers raided a farmhouse today after receiving a tip that Saddam was hiding there, US military officials said on condition of anonymity. They detained five men but did not find the former Iraqi leader, the officials said.
One soldier was shot in the arm as the soldiers from the 67th Armored Regiment's 3rd Battalion left the village, US military authorities said, adding his injuries were not considered serious. Bureau Report