United Nations, Apr 02: The United Nations owes it to the Iraqi people to help them in the healing process, tackle urgent humanitarian issues, and protect the supreme right to life in the face of war, a UN expert on the country's human rights situation has said. In opening the annual debate on the situation of human rights in Iraq in the UN commission on human rights yesterday, special Rapporteur Andreas Mavrommatis stressed that since "war, with all its horrors" has begun, there is now an "imperative necessity" for continued action to promote human rights in Iraq, and eventually, to ensure the effective application of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights for the future. "This presupposes an adequate UN Human Rights presence in Iraq which, in cooperation with the authorities, could assist in the gradual attainment of full compliance with International Human Rights norms," said Mavrommatis.
While it might seem inappropriate to talk about the future while people are being killed, he added, it was crucial to redouble UN efforts to secure the fundamental freedoms of the Iraqi people. "Our thoughts are with Iraqi civilians, especially innocent women and children who have already suffered so much in the past," the Rapporteur said, stressing that international community now expected the war to end at the "soonest and that events such as the carnage in the market place of Baghdad would not occur again."

Bureau Report