New Delhi, Sept 09: Shiv Sena said today it would contest all 70 seats in the Delhi Vidhan Sabha without any tie-ups with other parties. "The Shiv Sena will contest all the seats in the assembly elections in the capital on its own", the party's Delhi Unit Chief Jai Bhagwan Goel said here. "A proposal to this effect was sent to party chief Bala Saheb Thackeray, who said the Shiv Sena will provide an alternative to the BJP's exaggerated promises and misrule of Congress", Goel said. Despite "a five-year rule each by congress and BJP, people were still facing problems like drinking water, sewage disposal and sanitation", Goel alleged. The Shiv Sena would contest the elections on the promise of providing basic services like water and electricity, an end to corruption, reservation on economic basis, closure of illegal slaughter-houses and deportation of "illegal migrants", Goel said.
The Shiv Sena would contest the elections on the promise of providing basic services like water and electricity, an end to corruption, reservation on economic basis, closure of illegal slaughter-houses and deportation of "illegal migrants", Goel said.

Bureau Report