Islamabad, Sept 06: Pakistan and France held talks here today on boosting cooperation in the international fight against terrorism, officials said. The talks between the French delegation, headed by their National Security Director Pierre de Bosquet de Florian, and top Pakistani interior ministry official Tasneem Noorani centered on improving mutual coordination and assistance in the global anti-terrorism fight, they said.
"We are seeking some technology transfer in the field of security, training of officials and mutual agreements against undesirable elements in each other's country," Noorani said ahead of the talks. Noorani also praised French experts who helped investigate the May 2002 bombing in Karachi, which killed 11 French engineers. Two Islamic militants have been sentenced to death over the attack in the southern port city.
"We have received valuable assistance from French during that investigation and benefited from their expertise," he said. The three-member French delegation arrived here yesterday following up Pakistan Interior Minister Faisal Saleh Hayat's visit to Paris two months ago. Bureau Report