An Argentine couple were sentenced on Thursday to 9-1/2 years and 5-1/2 years prison for the theft of a baby girl born to parents who disappeared during the 1976-1983 "Dirty War" dictatorship.
Retired Col. Ceferino Landa was sentenced to 9-1/2 years prison and his wife Mercedes Beatriz Moreira to 5-1/2 years, a court official told Reuters. The couple were found guilty of kidnapping Victoria Poblete, whose parents were among an estimated 15,000 to 30,000 people who disappeared or were murdered during Argentina's last dictatorship.

Argentina's junta generals were jailed after military rule collapsed in 1983. They were pardoned in 1990 but many of them and their underlings have now been detained again for baby thefts, a crime not covered by amnesty laws.
The case of Landa and Moreira was the second trial concluded against a former soldier for baby theft in Argentina Bureau Report