Lucknow, Oct 23: Toughening its stand, the Uttar Pradesh BJP leadership has served a 24-hour ultimatum to the disgruntled MLAs who did not find berths in Mayawati-led coalition ministry, asking them to mend ways or face disciplinary action. State BJP president Vinay Katiyar told that "we have given them a 24-hour deadline to mend their ways or they have to face disciplinary action."

The state BJP coordination committee, that discussed the emerging political scenario in the backdrop of the sulking party MLAs raising a banner of protest over denial of berths in the cabinet expansion, unanimously sought immediate measures to contain growing indiscipline in the party, UP BJP vice-president Satya Deo Singh told newsmen here.

He clarified that the disciplinary action could either be issuance of show cause notices or immediate suspension from the party.

Singh said all the 17 members of the 20-member coordination committee present at the meeting authorised Katiyar and Tandon to take disciplinary measures against the "erring legislators."

Katiyar and senior leader Kalraj Misra spoke to the MLAs whose names have figured in reports of dissidence and most of them denied their involvement in any revolt, BJP general secretary Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi told reporters in New Delhi.

He said the state unit of the party has been asked to examine the issue and if concrete evidence was found against any member, "stern and effective action" would be taken. Bureau Report