New Delhi: Bird lovers are gearing up for the 'pan-India Salim Ali Bird Count' this Sunday, the 13th of November.


To mark the birth anniversary of Dr Salim Ali, known as the 'birdman of India', the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) is organising a one-day event, enabling bird-watchers from Mumbai and across the country to document the population of the birds.

On this auspicious event, environmentalists, especially, bird lovers can observe and count birds at a location of their choice for a minimum of fifteen munites using binoculars and cameras. They can then submit details of all species spotted along with count of the birds.

Inviting all bird watchers to take part in the bird-watching event, the conservation and research NGO said this bird count event could help monitor the status of birds and their habitats if participants visit the same area every year.

Dr Salim Ali was born on November 12, 1896 into a Sulaimani Bohra Muslim family of Bombay and was one of the greatest ornithologists and naturalists of all time.

(Image credit: Wikipedia)

He was among the first Indians to conduct systematic bird surveys across India. Several bird books that he wrote also helped popularise ornithology in India.

After a gap of nearly three decades since the last bird watch event across India, the Bombay Natural History Society revived its one-day event last year.