Maha Kumbh, the largest human congregation on planet earth at the confluence of rivers Ganga, Yamuna and the mystical Saraswati in New Delhi with its roots in the mythological past, has grown with time both in scale and spirituality. The 41-day-long religious fair, unfolding at Allahabad on January 9, is expected to draw millions of people from across the country offering a religious, spiritual and visual treat.
The last Maha Kumbh at Allahabad in 1989 set the world record for the largest human gathering. Thirteen million people are estimated to have come for the auspicious festival which takes place once in 12 years. The common belief among Hindus is that at this precisely calculated moment a splash into the water will undo lifetimes of sin. The word `Kumbh`, a pitcher containing amrit, immortality-bestowing nectar, finds a mention in the vedas and puranas.
Hundreds of brahmins assemble at `sangam` (confluence of rivers) at Allahabad to offer prayers for freedom from the cycle of life and death. Some of them take a plunge into the river, never to return, the traveller recounts. Bureau Report