University Grants Commission Chairman Hari Gautam on Saturday appealed to teachers, particularly Delhi University and college teachers, not to go on strike on October 19, and indicated that the principle of ''no work, no pay'' could be used if they went ahead with their agitation. “The decision to go on strike is most unfortunate, unfair and absolutely unjustified and amounts to taking the students as hostages with a view to pressing for their personal gains'', he said addressing a press conference in New Delhi. Mr Gautam said that the teachers are reacting on issues, which are ''neither realistic nor justified''. The UGC moves are intended to maintain academic standards, to ensure academic and financial discipline and to introduce the desired accountability with other academic reforms in higher education, he clarified. Referring to the main demand of teachers for promotion from the post of reader to professor in colleges, Mr Gautam pointed out that the UGC through its communication of October six last had stated that the Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) for promotion of reader to professor shall not be applicable to colleges. However, the scheme of promotion from reader to professor under the CAS shall continue to operate for readers in the university departments. Bureau Report