Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee on Tuesday warned that the continued deprivation of the poor of the benefits of globalisation could pose a threat to world peace, stability and orderly progress even while assuring that India would not deflect from the path of external liberalisation. ''Why has globalisation not met with enthusiastic acceptance by all the people all over the world? The answer according to me lies in our failure to cast globalisation in a democratic mould'', Vajpayee said in his inaugural address at the conference on ''globalisation and democracy'' in New Delhi. ''The new global order will have to reflect the spirit of democracy in all its insitutions --above all in the United Nations, which is the most important global institution. Its democratisation is long overdue. This was the consistent theme of what most heads of state and government said at the recently concluded millennium summit of the united nations'', Vajpayee, however said that India will implement its policy of external liberalisation in a manner and pace which is consistent with the national needs.
Bureau Report