
Did You Know Pakistan Has High Sex-Related Searches? Discover More Surprising Facts About India’s Neighbour

World’s Largest Ambulance Network

World’s Largest Ambulance Network

Pakistan is home to the Edhi Foundation, which operates the world’s largest volunteer ambulance service, founded by philanthropist Abdul Sattar Edhi.

Second-Largest Salt Mine

Second-Largest Salt Mine

The Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan is the second-largest salt mine globally and has been operational since the time of Alexander the Great.

Highest ATM in the World

Highest ATM in the World

Pakistan has the world’s highest ATM, located at an altitude of 15,397 feet, on the Khunjerab Pass, installed by the National Bank of Pakistan.

Youthful Population

Youthful Population

Over 60% of Pakistan's population is under the age of 30, making it one of the most youthful countries in the world.

High Rate Of Sex-Related Content On Internet

High Rate Of Sex-Related Content On Internet

Pakistan is that the country has one of the highest search rates for adult content on the internet, according to data from several web analytics platforms. Despite being a conservative society, studies have found that Pakistan consistently ranks high in global searches for certain adult-related keywords, reflecting a complex relationship between cultural norms and private behavior.