Telecom services in most of the national and international routes on which services were hit have been restored, an official statement releases in New Delhi on Thursday said. These include telecom traffic to and from Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Rajkot, Bhopal, Indore, Guwhati and Calcutta. The eastern region which was the worst hit following agitation by department of telecom service workers has been restored through alternate routes. The official statement said, ''It is possible that subscribers may experience a little difficulty during peak traffic hours due to congestion in the exchanges. The department is making all out efforts to restore normalcy immediately.'' Moreover, a few kilometres of optical fibre cable was washed away near Berhampur in West Bengal due to heavy rains and floods. Water had entered into some exchanges and microwave repeater stations in West Bengal particularly in Murshidabad. Till Wednesday, telecom services continued to remain disrupted in various parts of the country prompting Union Communications Minister Ram Vilas Paswan to hold an urgent meeting of the telecom department.
''Those involved in any irresponsible act would be dealt in a firm manner,'' he cautioned protesting employees after the special meeting in which the department reviewed telecom services which have been out of gear for the last two days in parts of the country.
Bureau Report