Union Minister of State for Home Vidayasagar Rao on Sunday said that the center has earmarked Rs 1000 crore for the current year for modernizing the police force. Addressing a press conference in Hyderabad, he said that this scheme would be continued for at least a period of ten years.
According to him, states could make the best use of this additional fund for improving the police communication system, weapons and technology. Mr Rao said that the aid amendments to the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act was under consideration of the Central Government to streamline the flow of funds from abroad to various Non Government Organizations (NGO) like the educational societies and other such social service organizations.
He stated that Andhra Pradesh has been the biggest receiver of foreign funds for the last five years. During 1998-99 foreign funds to the tune of Rs 487,29,4000 was received by various organizations in the State, followed by Delhi (Rs 487,28,4000) and Tamil Nadu (Rs 486,35,51000). Bureau Report