The investigation report which was scheduled to e submitted to the government tomorrow has been put off at the last moment. It is now likely to be handed over to the government only after a couple of days as the agency was still in the process of completing the formalities.
The Central Bureau of Investigation today also confirmed that the inquiry report into the match-fixing and betting scandal which sullied the image of cricket in India names `certain` top players, officials and bookies. CBI sources said, ``The report contains the names of some Indian cricketers, officials and bookies.`` They refused to disclose the names, until the submission of the report. Media has been over the past few days speculating about the probables to be named in the report. Among those reportedly indicted by the CBI are Mohammed Azharuddin, Ajay Jadeja, Manoj Prabhakar, Ajay Sharma, Nayan Mongia and former physiotherapist Ali Irani.
Besides a host of bookies and a few cricketing officials may also figure as the culprits in the report. However, the sources refused to confirm whether the report also names a few foreign cricketers saying, ``This can`t be disclosed right now as the report is pending submission.`` media reports had indicated that the report names three West Indian and two Australian cricketers.

Commenting on the delay in the submission of the report, CBI spokesman told UNI, ``It is very unlikely that the report could be submitted tomorrow as a few formalities still remain to be completed. However, if the formalities are completed in time, the report may will be submitted tomorrow itself.``
Bureau Report