Curfew was relaxed in parts of Moradabad on Saturday even as no untoward incident was reported from anywhere during the period, police said. DIG (Range) R K Mishra said that curfew was relaxed for varying periods in three of the four police station areas where it was clamped on Friday and the relaxation period passed off peacefully. “However, there was no relaxation in Mughalpura Police Station area,” he said. Curfew was clamped on Friday as tension gripped the city following the arrest of a person involved in last Sunday's communal clashes. People belonging to a particular community gathered in large number in Mughalpura area protesting the arrest of Mohd Saleem, an office bearer of the local unit of Babri Masjid Action Committee. District Magistarte S K Gupta and SSP Kamal Saxena on Saturday held a peace meeting with the city Imam and other religious leaders, the DIG said. Meanwhile, Mohd Saleem was produced before a magistrate and later sent to jail.
Bureau Report