The Supreme Court of India has ordered immediate closure and relocation of polluting units in Delhi. Delhi has some 1,29,363 manufacturing units including 35,000 single person enterprises. All these units do not have to be closed. Only those units have to be shut which were either totally prohibited in the city (category H) or, though permitted, in a non-conforming area (category F). Some 97,411 units are in non-conforming areas. Since 1995, when the ubiquitous Mr. M. C. Mehta filed a case seeking the somewhat narrower relief that the municipal authorities should not grant further licenses in non- conforming areas, the court has passed a excess of orders in both this case as well as the Jamuna water effluents case. The responsibility that the Supreme Court has taken on is more daunting than that of the legendary Hercules trying to clean the Augean Stables. The administration had done little. It granted licenses when it should not have, and looked the other way when it should have acted. Someone had to clear the mess. Successive `green` benches of the court passed innumerable orders - often modifying earlier orders when it had made a mistake earlier.