The Centre will not tolerate terrorism under any circumstances but is ready for talks with the outlawed ULFA in Assam within the parameters of the Constitution, Union Minister for Rural Development Venkaiah Naidu said in Guwahati on Saturday. ''There was no question of tolerating terrorism and we will put them down mercilessly come what may," Naidu said adding that talks could be possible with the outfit within the tenents of the Constitution. Addressing a meeting of BJP party workers in Guwahati he said that ULFA was born out of the wrong policies and shortsighted approach of the Congress. "Now the ULFA has grown out of proportion and the AGP government in the state has no capacity to tackle them," he said. Naidu said that ULFA activists had become thugs and they only sought to create ''civil disorder at the behest of outside forces''. Referring to the appeal of the Congress among the masses he said that the party was on the down-slide due to continuous infighting. He alleged that the Congress did only lip service to the development for the minority communities including Muslims and asserted that BJP did not discriminate anybody on the basis of religion. Claiming that the Congress workers were disillusioned, communists a spent force and the proposed third force would never take off, he said that the BJP was all set to come to power in Assam in the next elections. Bureau Report