In an effort to garner international support for restoration of democracy in Pakistan, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has met Britain's shadow foreign secretary, urging that the world community concentrate on single issue of democracy.
“I am concerned that raising an array of issues on a broad agenda from Taliban, terrorism, Kashmir, peace with India, economic restructuring and democratization dilutes the energy that could be spent on a single issue (of democracy), she said, according to a press release issued by her Pakistan People's Party (PPP) in Islamabad.
Benazir welcomed the British government stance to raise its voice for the restoration of the democracy in Pakistan.

She argued that corruption was just an excuse for ousting democratic governments, while the main reason for the acts was politics of intrigue.
“In order to restore democracy, release of political prisoners and bring peace and stability in the nation, she said that her party has called for setting up of a truth and reconciliation commission on the pattern of South Africa that will examine charges of perversion of justice and the use of torture,” the release said. Bureau Report