New Delhi: Be it the revelation of her modern avatar wearing mini skirt or disclosure of a controversial audio tape, this spiritual leader has always been at the apex of controversies.


In the latest, the Punjab and Haryana High Courts directed the Punjab Police to register an FIR against the self-styled godwoman Sukhwinder Kaur alias Radhe Maa.

The court order came following a petition filed by former President of Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Surinder Mittal.

Mittal, a resident of Punjab's Phagwara, had earlier released an audio clip that exposed the dark side of the self-proclaimed godwoman.

In a clip, that went viral on the internet in 2015, Radhe Maa was reportedly heard flirting, seducing and threatening Mittal, who used to be her acquaintance.

Radhe Maa, who claims herself to be a spiritual leader, has also been involved in a dowry case, filed by a Kandivali resident.

The woman accused Radhe Maa of instigating her husband and in-laws into asking dowry.