New Delhi: After a heart condition caused some complications, 11-year-old Allan Gifford had to have both his hands amputated at the age of three.


Allan now has two prosthetic hands and has become the youngest boy in the world to have them.

He had his first artificial hand fitted in 2015 and with the help of donations from across the country and his parents' continued support, he could have the second hand made and fitted.

According to the Deccan Chronicle, Allan, who aspired to be a special needs teacher said that he can now ride his own bike and eat with a knife and fork on his own.

Allan now calls himself by a nickname – 'Bionic Boy' – and has become the envy of his seven brothers and sisters. His mother says, he is absolutely chuffed and is spending every day learning how to use both hands together.

The hands were made by Touch Bionics and can be programmed with four grips for different tasks controlled by Alan’s muscle signals, Deccan Chronicle reported.

On their Facebook page, Touch Bionics Centre of Excellence also posted a video of Allan playing with a fidget spinner with both his prosthetic hands for the first time. Check it out!