New Delhi: It is indeed disheartening, but India is the diabetes capital of the world. It is home around 50 million people suffering from type-2 diabetes.


India has a challenge to face. Nonetheless, medical experts sense that well-timed detection and accurate supervision can go a long way in aiding patients lead an ordinary life.

About 17 percent of India has diabetes and about 77 million are considered to be pre-diabetic, which refers to those individuals who have higher than normal blood glucose levels, but not high enough to categorize them as diabetic.

Here are 10 ways, pointed out by Dr Paramesh Shamanna, Diabetologist, Medikoe, which we can prevent this ailment.

Do a Prior Check-up- Getting tests and assessment done will help in identifying the risk of developing diabetes well in advance. This will ensure that all the precautionary measures are taken before it is too late. These tests help in learning more about your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Weight Watch- Surplus body fat, predominantly if accumulated around the abdomen, can upsurge the body`s resistance to the hormone insulin, which in turn can lead to type 2 diabetes•

Exercise is a must- Adequate exercise or even playing a sport for at least three days of the week aids manage weight, helps to decrease blood glucose levels and could also manage blood pressure and cholesterol.

Healthy Diet- A well balanced diet is essential. Shrink the amount of carbohydrates and trans-fats in your diet. Eating vegetables and high-fibre foods is also the key to a healthy lifestyle.

Trash the sugar sweetened beverages and other junk Food. Ready-made meals are typically high in salt, fat and sugar. Cooking at home using fresh ingredients is the ideal option.

Decrease on the Alcohol Content- Excessive alcohol intake will result in weight gain and this could rise your blood pressure. Avoiding alcohol is the best option to keep diabetes away.

Quit smoking- Smoking is the culprit behind most diseases. Likewise, smokers are twice as probable to develop diabetes as non-smokers.

Watch your Blood Pressure- On an average, any individual can do this with regular exercise, a balanced diet and by maintain a healthy weight. For patients suffering with irregular blood pressure issues, you might require medication recommended by your doctor.

Look After your Heart- Diabetes and cardiovascular disease have several shared risk factors, namely obesity and physical inactivity.

Go for regular check-ups- With age the immune system doesn`t function with the zeal it used to, going for regular check-ups will ensure that cholesterol, blood pressure and other problem areas are taken care of.