New Delhi: A healthy, balanced diet is not just limited to maintaining a good body weight, it is also key to strong, lustrous hair.


You cannot solely rely on shampoos and other products, you need to add a variety of nutrients in your diet to have that healthy locks.

Here are five foods that not only keep your hair healthy and strong, but also help protect you from various illnesses and are ideal for your weight loss plan as well:

Dark leafy greens

Green veggies like spinach, chard and kale are rich in iron, calcium and vitamin A and vitamin C – essential nutrients that help keep healthy and shiny. Spinach is also packed with sebum, which acts as a natural conditioner for hair.


Nuts such as almonds, pecans, and walnuts contain a wide range of ingredients - plant proteins, biotin, minerals and vitamin E - that support healthy hair. Walnuts are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.



Salmon and cold-water fish like sardines and mackerel are excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which promote healthy hair growth and have anti-inflammatory properties.


Rich in protein, vitamins B and D, yoghurt can improve hair folicles, improving hair growth. It is also a good conditioner for hair which also remove dandruff and prevent hair fall.


Eggs are a excellent food for your hair due to its abundance in vitamin B called biotin, which helps hair grow and strengthens brittle fingernails. They also contain vitamins A and E, iron and calcium