As the festive season unfolds, so do the delicious spreads of sweets, snacks, and rich dishes. While it’s the perfect time to enjoy traditional delicacies, it’s essential to keep digestive health in mind to avoid overindulgence and maintain gut wellness. 


Dr. Apurva Pande, Consultant in Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Fortis Hospital Greater Noida, shares expert tips to keep your digestive system in check during festive celebrations. 

1. Limit Fats and Sweets 

High-fat and sugary foods are common during celebrations, but they can lead to bloating, diarrhea, and indigestion, especially for those with diabetes. Dr. Pande recommends moderating your intake of sweets and fatty foods, which can help prevent digestive discomfort. 

2. Avoid Spicy Foods 

Spicy dishes are best avoided, particularly by individuals with Acid Peptic Disorder, as they can trigger symptoms like heartburn, stomach pain, and nausea. Dr. Pande suggests opting for milder foods to reduce the risk of dyspeptic symptoms during festivities. 

3. Stay Hydrated 

With the busy social calendar, it's easy to overlook hydration. Drinking adequate water, juices, and curd not only keeps you hydrated but also prevents constipation, helping your digestive system stay in balance and flush out toxins effectively. 

4. Incorporate Fermented Foods 

Fermented foods such as idlis, dhoklas, and dosas are easy on the stomach and support a healthy balance of probiotics, aiding digestion. Including these in your meals helps prevent bloating and other symptoms of indigestion. 

5. Prioritize Sleep and Exercise 

With late nights and packed schedules, sleep and exercise routines can slip. However, regular physical activity like brisk walking, jogging, or cycling with family helps maintain digestive function. Staying active during the festive season supports a well-functioning gut. 

6. Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco 

Alcohol and smoking can irritate the gut, so it’s wise to avoid these to keep your digestive system healthy. Instead, focus on consuming fresh salads and fruits to balance the rich foods of the festive table. 

7. Control Portion Sizes 

Large portion sizes can strain the digestive system, so consider eating smaller quantities to avoid overwhelming your gut. Eating mindfully helps you enjoy the feast without experiencing discomfort. 

8. Manage Festive Stress 

The holiday season brings travel, social gatherings, and late nights, all of which can stress the digestive system. Stress impacts the gut’s bacterial balance, which can lead to symptoms like bloating and heartburn. Practicing relaxation techniques and scheduling downtime can help ease digestive strain. 

Following these simple tips can help you enjoy the festive season to the fullest while maintaining a healthy digestive system. Enjoy the celebrations without compromising your well-being!