Many of us give up those valuable hours of sleep for work, socializing, or binge-watching our favourite shows because of the hectic nature of our everyday lives. What we might not know, though, is that our mental health is greatly influenced by the quality of our sleep. Humans have an innate need for sleep and we sleep for nearly a third of our lives. Lack of sleep for an extended period of time might have negative health effects. 


Dr Sibasish Dey, Head of Medical Affairs, South Asia, ResMed says,"Women are also more prone to experiencing micro awakenings, referred to as respiratory event-related arousal (RERA), which can lead to fragmented sleep. Additionally, studies have revealed that women generally have lower sleep quality compared to men."

Quality sleep serves as a retreat from both mental and physical activities, providing rejuvenation and preparing us for the challenges of the next day's routine. The article will delve into the profound connection between a peaceful night's sleep and our mental well-being. 

The effectiveness, performance and general health of a person can all be enhanced by getting adequate sleep. Here are a few ways shared by Mr Nilesh Mazumdar, the Chief Executive Officer at Sleepwell, Sheela Foam Ltd. on how your a good night's sleep can improve your health: 

Regulating Daily Activities

When you've had a restful night, your body and mind are well-prepared to face the challenges ahead. Quality sleep sets the stage for a well-regulated routine, making it easier to tackle daily activities with focus and efficiency.

Choosing the right mattress

Achieving a good night's sleep and maintaining mental well-being involves selecting the right mattress. It's crucial that your mattress provides proper back support and allows for a comfortable sleeping position. Whether you sleep on your back, side, or stomach, find a mattress that suits your preferences. 

Improving Memory

Quality slumber is like a superhero for your memory. During the night, your brain consolidates memories and sorts through the events of the day. A good night's sleep can significantly enhance your ability to recall information, helping you remember names, faces, and important details.

Mood Regulation

When you sleep well, your brain produces chemicals that regulate mood, making you more resilient to stressors. On the flip side, insufficient sleep can leave you feeling emotionally vulnerable, amplifying negative feelings and making it harder to cope with life's challenges.

Boosting Creativity

Whether you're an artist, a writer, or just someone looking to infuse more creativity into your life, sleep is your ally. A well-rested mind is a fertile ground for creativity to blossom. During the various stages of sleep, your brain consolidates information, forms new connections, and solves problems. 

Alleviating Stress

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but how we handle it can make a world of difference. Adequate sleep acts as a natural stress buster. When you're well-rested, your body and mind are better equipped to manage stress, helping you approach challenges with a clearer perspective and a calmer demeanour.

Dr Nishtha Budhiraja, Psychologist and Psychotherapist (Clinal & Neuro), from Loop suggest, "Ensure your room is dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. Investing in comfortable bedding, blackout curtains, and white noise machines can help create a sleep-conducive environment."