Zee Media Bureau


New Delhi: Apricot belongs to the family of peaches, nectarines, plums and cherries and can be consumed in both fresh as well as dried form. This yellowish-orange fruit contain rich amount of vitamin C in it. The fruit is not only tasty but also gives many health benefits to our body. So, one should include apricot in their daily diet to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some health benefits of apricot:

Good for eyes

Apricot is good for eyes and also reduces the risk of developing eye disorder because of the carotenoids and the various vitamins especially Vitamin A and Beta Carotene present in it.

Rich source of antioxidants

Apricot contains rich amount of antioxidants. High amount of antioxidants in the body leads to high rate of elimination of toxins from it.

High fiber content

This fruit is considered as one of the best sources of dietary fiber. Apricot contain rich soluble fiber that dissolves easily in the body and also helps in keeping you safe from gastrointestinal disorders.

Good for heart

Apricot is good for heart as it contains high amount of soluble fibers that helps in reducing the LDL or bad cholesterol content in the body, thus lowering your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Strengthens bones

Apricots are good for bones and helps in strengthening it, as the fruit contains rich amount of calcium and potassium.