New Delhi: The Central government on Monday (March 2, 2020) said that a total of 157 terrorists were neutralized in Jammu and Kashmir in the year 2019. The government further informed that there have been 138 cases of infiltration by terrorists along Line of Control/International Border during the year 2019.


"There have been 138 cases of infiltration by terrorists along Line of Control/International Border during the year 2019. Due to concerted and synergized efforts of security forces, 157 terrorists were neutralized in the year 2019 in Jammu and Kashmir," Minister of State for Defence, Shripad Naik informed the upper House of Parliament in a written reply.

Last month, Army Chief General MM Naravane had said there has been an increase in the ceasefire violations on the Line of Control as Pakistan is trying to push terrorists from there.

"There has been an increase in ceasefire violations on Line of Control. It was expected as he (Pakistan) is trying to push terrorists from launchpads and various camps. Because of winters, they are finding it difficult and resorting to ceasefire violations," said the Army Chief.